One of the big problems we face when we try to make creditors obey the bankruptcy discharge or properly report a client’s credit after bankruptcy, is that our client has thrown away much of the credible evidence needed to prove the case to the court or jury and without it a remedy that should be available is not. This is tragic as creditors often get away with flagrant violations of the law!
Creditors are not allowed to contact you once the bankruptcy case has been filed. If contact does occur it should documented carefully and reported to us. We often are called upon to file adversary proceedings to stop creditors from violating the automatic stay or the discharge injunction. In order to prevail in these actions we must prove the creditor contacted the debtor in an effort to collect the debt. So, it’s important that letters received are kept, telephone calls recorded or, at least the pertinent information about the call written down. So often when a client calls about a violation they can’t tell me who they talked to, the date and time of the call, or what exactly was said.
It’s even worse in credit reporting cases. To prove damages here we need specific information about damages such as credit denials, increased interest rates charged, as well as documentation of mental distress suffered on account of the creditor’s illegal behavior. So often we have to settle a case for far less than it’s worth simply because a client has thrown away critical evidence or neglected to keep track of all the damages that has been suffered on account of the creditor’s malicious conduct.
Here are some simple things that every consumer who files bankruptcy should do once their case is filed:
Keep all correspondence from creditors received after bankruptcy
Record all telephone calls from creditors after the case is filed. Simple recording equipment can be purchased at Radio Shack.
If creditors call after the case is filed get their name, name of their company, the identity of the creditor they represent, how much they say is due, and the reason for the call. Note the date and time of the call. Don’t argue with them or hang up on them until you have this information. Once you have this information tell them you’ve filed bankruptcy and give them your attorney’s name.
If a creditor calls a second time get all this information again so you can testify with confidence if the need arises. Also, note anything they say that is untrue, argumentative, slanderous, threatening, rude, or profane.
If you apply for credit and are denied, keep the denial letters that come in the mail. Also, try to get the creditor to tell you specifically what caused them to deny you credit. Often it will be the erroneous information on your credit report. Ask them what would have to be removed from your credit report for them to extend you the credit you requested.
If you receive offers of credit upon favorable terms but when you apply they want to charge you more interest or give you less favorable terms, keep the documentation of the original offer so you can prove what you lost when the original deal was lost.
Often consumers suffer extreme mental anguish, embarrassment, fear and humiliation when credit is denied. This can result in insomnia, headache, muscle ache, high blood pressure and a wide variety of other ailments. To get mental anguish damages, however, requires proof. Documentary evidence from doctors, medical providers, and pharmacist is needed if the consumer seeks medical attention. Even more critical, however, is a daily diary of all of the emotions, anxieties and physical symptoms suffered each day from the date the creditor misconduct occurs. If a consumer has this information at his fingertips it will provide him much confidence and add credibility when he tries to explain how he has been damaged by the creditors violation of the law.
Creditors are often angry when they have to write off a debt and may try to take advantage of consumers who do not understand the law. Understand your rights and help us make your former creditors obey the law.